Joe Budden Podcast: Number 1 Podcast on Spotify for 2019
Me & My Queen during the Joe Budden Meet & Greet in Austin.
Being a fan of the show since day one where Joe had to name the podcast later (get it?) , I can say I was pleased to hear that Joe Budden Podcast is the number 1 podcast on Spotify for 2019 that is a huge accomplishment whether you like him or not, it’s something to raise awareness for the achievement that Joe, Mal, Rory & Parks were able to see after moving from one episode a week to 2 episodes that were damn near 3 hours of there personal times to share music, sports, outlandish topics and of course a sleuth of amazing conversations (if you read this, don’t roast me for that last sentence).
Seeing this only motivates a creative like me to continue prospering in media and to know that a podcast is something that we will begin in the new year makes this a win for the culture. These guys take time out of the livelihood to entertain the globe, I’ve heard people all over the world rave about the convos regardless if it’s bad or good intentions they make us laugh, show emotion and hell sometimes really think about our future. In the words of Mal, this shit is crazy to know that the masses have spoken and clearly by landslide the JBP (I really hate referencing it that way) is the podcast of the year.
Joe mentioned in his tweet that respect is deserved on his name and I got to say he’s right, he took friends near and dear to him and made them a platform to express opinion in music culture and become successful while doing it. I ask you to give them there flowers while there still here blessing this earth and cue on Outstanding for the Joe Budden Podcast (Salute)